

Cold plunge thought, it's been a minute, and I think I filled the tub up too much today.

It's 13 degrees outside. I spilled water in the garage as I was filling this

up, and it's frozen all over the floor.

So I hope I don't slip and fall. When I get out, I went to an amazing event

this weekend, the Superhuman Father's Awakening event.

And it was incredible. So powerful.

So much hard work getting to that point. And then finally being there with all

these guys that I've been suffering with for the last hundred days.

It was amazing. amazing.

What's interesting is that I totally wimped out on doing the cold plunge all last week.

I don't know why, but I was just, I emptied it on Sunday and then I just didn't

fill it back up and I totally wussed out.

And then I was even on a podcast talking about doing the cold plunges and my

journey and I just wussed out.

I just couldn't do it. I don't know why, but I decided I don't know.

I was down there. I'm getting back in it.

Doesn't matter that it's 13 degrees today.

Doesn't matter that it feels like it's seven degrees.

Still going to make it happen. Now, I did just fill up the water.

So the water is not that cold, but tomorrow it's going to be cold and I'm going

to do it because there's water.

It's interesting how we rationalize not doing things because even though we

know it's what we should do.

So then the question comes, why am I doing these cold plunge thoughts?

Why am I doing the cold plunges?

I'm doing the cold plunges because it's hard. And by doing hard things,

I am able to do other hard things.

If I can get in the cold here, then I can make a sales call later today.

If I can get in the cold here, then I can apologize to my wife when I do something stupid.

If I get cold here, then I can hold my tongue when I want to yell at my kids.

That's why I do the cold plunges.