Cold plunge thought, even though it is quite a bit warmer outside than it has
been, there's still ice in the cold pot.
And there's ice on the bottom. I had a rough day yesterday.
Gave in to temptation again and again. Even when I knew I needed to stop, I just kept doing it.
There's one thing that I've been thinking of a lot, that any kind of sin separates
us from God, no matter what that sin is.
This is a really key piece.
We, as humans, like to put sin on a grading curve and say, well,
some sins are really bad based on our own personal beliefs, and others aren't
so bad based on our own personal belief.
And the reality is, is anytime we're sinning, it separates us from God and it's bad.
So while yesterday I didn't cheat on my wife, I didn't kill anybody,
I didn't look at porn, I didn't smoke or drink, what I did do is I ate things
that I knew I shouldn't be eating.
And I sedated myself with food instead of dealing with the frustration and stress
that I was feeling. I didn't scroll on social media endlessly and drown my sorrows
there, but I did eat a bunch of food that I shouldn't have.
So here's the other thing about that. Every sin that we commit is also already
forgiven by the Savior because He performed the atonement for us.
That's incredibly powerful. powerful.
I'm so grateful for that because even when I do make those mistakes,
I can repent and I can seek and receive forgiveness, which is a truly amazing
thing because it sucks to do things that you know you shouldn't be doing.
I hate it. I don't feel good when I do it, but when I do repent,
I can feel that forgiveness.
No matter how small or how big that sin is, I can be forgiven, and that is a blessing.