Cold-plunge thoughts.
In a discussion with my wife last night, I got a really good realization from
her about how we can have more compassion on people.
And what she helped me realize is that we all have different strengths and different
weaknesses, different things that we're good and bad at.
And by recognizing that
we personally don't have all the answers we
can see somebody else's perspective and
see how they are actually helping us develop and helping us get better so what
this look like well we were talking about organization and time management and
things like that and one One of my struggles is time management and organization.
And my wife is super good at that stuff.
And she said that it used to annoy her that I wasn't good at that.
And she now appreciates that I'm good at other things and isn't as concerned
that I'm not good at that one particular thing, that she is really good.
And this is key because we see something that is obvious to us.
And we're like why doesn't everybody do it this way
and we have to recognize that
it may be obvious to us but it's amazing to other
people that's from a a quote from
Derek Sivers obvious to you amazing to others
he's got a cool little video about that you should check it out but that idea
of things are obvious to you but amazing to others is really the truth like
there are so many things things that you do that you take for granted that are just incredible.
And you need to share those things with other people because it blesses their
lives and it can help them.
And you don't know who you're going to be talking to one day or something you
say really leaves an impact on their life.
I've had situations where people have come to me 20 years after an event and
said, remember when you said that one thing to me that really impacted me?
I don't remember it at all, but it impacted them. And that's the thing that matters.
So lean into your strengths, share the things that are obvious to you,
and don't be afraid of it.