Just Start?
Hey, this is Adam W. Barney. It's nice to meet you, and nice to be part of Build In Public Daily. I'm excited to join, and this episode is honestly just about getting started. You'll notice I used a question mark here because, in many situations, the hardest thing is to just start. Isn't that correct? It's definitely something I've been struggling with lately, and this is the first step in entering this podcast. I'm excited to have you on this journey and see where it leads, both for myself and for you, my dear listeners.
For a little more background on myself, I'm someone who spent over two decades in a non-linear corporate marketing career. Over the last couple of years, I've worked and built my coaching practice. It's been a journey, and talk about something that required me to just start – it's building a business. What I have is an energy coaching practice. As much as I wish I could say that's about mystical stones and sorcery, who knows? Maybe, depending on how I grow in 2024 and beyond, that could become a part of it. But it's really built around this idea that, for most of my career in a leadership position and to this coaching practice, I help people by handing them a cord, giving them a selection of outlets, and guiding their decision-making through visioning work and transformational change to pick the right outlet to plug into. Once that happens, I help guide them to plug it in and keep it plugged in to sustain for the long haul.
It's really about the belief that anyone, no matter their background or experience, can make a change. Actually, I wrote a book about it. That's a lot of what I'm going to talk about in the process of building Public Daily. I'll share more about that in the coming episodes, of course. The book is called Make Your Own Glass Half Full. It's built on this innate idea that I've always followed in my own career – that optimism and autonomy can drive you on a path to success.
How many times have you heard, sort of as a ubiquitous classification, that people are either known as a glass half full or a glass half empty kind of person? I say, and excuse my French, screw that. Throw those glasses over your shoulders and get a new glass that you fill on your own, make half full. You can do it on your own. The mission, across both my coaching and the book, is to help people understand that they have the power to change their lives and achieve success.
The mission is to inspire and instill confidence in the value-driven younger generations, enabling them to make significant changes and impact the world positively. The aim is to promote justice and equity. Currently, there are numerous issues we face, particularly climate change, which is becoming increasingly evident and alarming. That's just a bit of background on my perspective.
I have officially just begun, and I want to leave you with this thought: is there something you've been putting off that you need to start? If you haven't taken action yet, consider this the beginning of a journey. I am embarking on a 16-week process to publish my book by summer, which will require substantial effort while continuing to grow my coaching business. I am excited to have you join me on this journey through the Build & Public Daily podcast, where I hope to inspire you to face your own challenges.
The first step in any transformation is simply starting. So ask yourself, what can I begin today? Thank you for listening. This is Adam W. Barney, and I look forward to connecting with you again soon.
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