Imposter Impostures

Imposter Impostures

Energy Coach's Morning Update

All right, so it's Adam W. Barney, Energy Coach, once again. I'm sorry for the delay between now and the previous episode, but you might be able to tell I'm actually calling from a walk out on a beautiful, sunny morning right near my house with two dogs after having both kids head off to school. I'm jumping in today to restart the conversation with each of you and talk about what I've been up to, because it's not only Built in Public Daily, it's built in public over the last week or so.

So, I'm at a point where with Make Your Own Glass Half Full, the book that I have coming out in July of this year, it's in a place where the draft is done. I think I mentioned last time it was in the pre-sale, which was really a fundraiser to drive support for getting to the publishing. Well, that period has concluded. I got a week extension because I was not quite yet at my goal, and actually still, I only achieved about half of my goal. I want to talk about that because it's actually an okay thing.

As much as it feels a little bit disappointing, and I think I had some imposter syndrome feelings creep in, it took concluding the pre-sale and that fundraiser support to realize everything's going to be okay. And it's kind of ironic because that's exactly what the book I wrote is about. I just wanted to bring that up today because it's totally understandable that in the craziness of everything that happens, goals that are set by other people aren't necessarily goals that you need to stay attached to. You understand that those goals aren't the bigger goals; they're just one step towards a bigger goal that's in the future. And you learn and you iterate from it.

So, it's good to drink my own Kool-Aid for a little bit through this period, but I'm excited to come back energized. And obviously, you can tell in the midst of walking the two dogs in the fresh air and my wife being on a business trip that everything's okay and the balance is still there. So, in the midst of the craziness, I just hope you'll take this as showing that everything's okay and you can survive.

That's it from my end today, but trust me, you'll have me back here tomorrow, and I'm excited to have you continue to follow me on the Build & Public Daily journey. So once again, it's Adam W. Barney, Energy Coach, and I guess you could say that even though I help my coaching clients with their own energy, I
I was able to navigate and build my own energy today, so you can do it too. Thanks for listening.

Stay well, stay positive, and stay plugged in. You'll hear from me again soon. Cheers.

Creators and Guests

Adam W. Barney
Adam W. Barney
Author of "Make Your Own Glass Half Full" (PREORDER NOW!) + Growth Coach 🚀Heavy on Laughing, Heavy Concert-goer, Drinker of Craft Beer, Dad, Double dog dad.