I know that my redeemer lives
In this episode, we delve into the personal experience and belief in the transformative power of Jesus Christ. The main speaker shares their encounter with Christ's Atonement during a difficult time, finding solace and relief through pouring out their heart to God. This episode reminds listeners of the transformative power of faith and invites reflection on their own experiences with Christ.Cold Plunge thoughts.
Well, Merry Christmas.
Today's the day that we celebrate the birth of Christ.
I am so grateful for him in my life. I know that he lives. I know that he's my savior.
And I know that because he lives, I'll be able to live again.
And I'm so grateful for that. I know that because of his sacrifice for me,
I can overcome my weaknesses and the things that I'm not very good at and develop
and become more like him every single day.
That's the truth. That's not something that I believe or hope.
That's something that I have felt about four or five years ago, something like that.
I was really, really depressed. rest.
And I haven't really struggled with suicide in my life, but at this time,
I just wanted to, I was out on a fishing trip and I just wanted to be back home.
So I thought about how I could get injured enough that I would have to go home
and stop the fishing trip, but not so injured that I would die because I didn't want to die.
And then one night I was struggling
with this and i was in
the tent i just poured out my heart to god
and i said i can't carry this anymore it's too hard this is too much for me
in that moment i felt the atonement of jesus christ work in my life that was
when i knew that it was real those feelings went away and I overcame my depression.
That's just a little thing. It's not as hard as what other people go through.
But for me, it was enough to know that Christ did sacrifice for me.