Cold plunge thoughts. Well, it's been a minute.
Haven't done the cold plunge for a while. I got a, uh, scratched my back in
the middle of the night and had this wound on my back for a while.
And so I didn't want to come getting water like that, but then it was just an
excuse because this is hard. It doesn't feel good.
Water's cold. How cold is it? My little thermometer's not in,
but it's cold, so I don't like doing this.
But again, why am I back? Well, I don't really think the weight loss thing is a thing.
I don't really think that this makes me healthier or anything like that.
But man, when I do something hard like this, it makes it a lot easier to resist
doing other things that are hard also.
So I had an idea for something the other day. And instead of just putzing around
and thinking about it, I said, I'm going to set a timer.
I'm going to see if I can build this in 45 minutes.
And so that's what I did. It's called EduNews.
Edune.ws edunews That's a pretty short domain name. I was pretty happy with that.
Edune.ws Go check it out. It's a place where you can go get all the latest news
and contribute the latest news about the K-12 education space.
And it's free. And it's going to be free forever because I want it to be a community
where people who are interested in education go to share the kind of stuff that is important to them.
So go check it out. E-D-U-N-E dot W-S.
It's pretty awesome. And I like making stuff. It's fun.