Cold-plunge thoughts. You ever have those days where it seems like everything's just going wrong?
That's what it was last night for me.
And then I reacted poorly to that. Got frustrated, complained, whined.
Why is this happening to me?
Ridiculous. We're not perfect. I'm not.
You're not. not even when we're trying hard
we're gonna make mistakes it's just part of
life even when we're doing things great
not everything's gonna go our way that's okay too so it's not about us being
perfect it's not about us acting perfectly all the time but it's about how quickly
do we get back back to acting the way we want to act,
to being the person that we want to be.
So yesterday for me, while I was frustrated, annoyed, and whiny,
and complaining like a little baby, by the time I went to bed,
I wasn't feeling that way anymore.
I wasn't acting that way anymore, more importantly.
So you're not going to be perfect. That's okay. Okay, but how quickly are you
going to get back to a place where you can say, this is the kind of person I want to be?
That's what matters. A few months ago, I'd be acting like a baby for a few days.
Now, it was a couple hours. That's improvement.
But I still think I can do better. And here's a cool thing. I actually want to.