This Is The Best I Have For Today Build in Public Daily 8

This Is The Best I Have For Today Build in Public Daily 8


[00:00:00] Dr. Stacey Gonzales: I am really tired today. Welcome to the Build and Public Podcast. [00:00:12] I feel like at this point, after eight episodes, that I should have greater clarity. [00:00:26] the direction I should go with this podcast, and instead today I feel less clarity, less enthusiasm, more confusion, and more overwhelm than I've had in some time. Not just about the podcast, but about all of it. I woke up today really tired, [00:01:00] very low energy, and I'm still working really hard on my ideal day because I have this vision that if I put the right parts and pieces together for my ideal, Every day will be ideal, and ultimately that will lead to an ideal life. [00:01:32] And so today it's a Monday, and every Monday my business partner and I have a Monday meeting, and so we have three. Parts of the business that were standing up and today we spent the majority of our time on Soul Growth, [00:02:00] which is a audience building business play. At this point, our strategy is to build an audience, and when you first start building a brand and an audience, [00:02:19] It's a lot of work and it's getting that clarity on the direction to head, and so we landed on a Sunday series called Soul Growth Sundays, which will be a workshop type event every Sunday. and we're gonna launch this starting in three weeks from now in in mid-April. And there's so much to do [00:03:00] around it and it's a little overwhelming. [00:03:02] And I was already really tired today and had meetings back to back all day. And so as I'm reflecting. today's progress. I'm not feeling great about things. Um, I'm not feeling very productive and because we don't have a system in place yet around contact creation and the types of content that we wanna create, because we don't know who. [00:03:43] Our audience is yet exactly. It's been just feeling a little overwhelming today, and so [00:03:59] I'm [00:04:00] just being kind and gracious to myself and allowing myself to be real with this today. And. trusting that as we gain more clarity on what exactly we do, who we serve, how we serve that audience, um, I have to remember, we just, we just started this and it's okay that we don't have it all figured out in. [00:04:38] Six weeks, right? Uh, so today's a day where I'm recording this podcast in my dark living room. I was cranky to my husband tonight. My daughter went back to college in Texas, and I am [00:05:00] doing the best I can today and this moment of me sharing. The non enthusiastic version of myself, I suppose, is the best that I've got for today. [00:05:16] And so that is what I'm sharing and trusting that not every day will feel this hard and this messy, and even if they do, it's okay. And so that's the best I have for today.

[00:00:00] Dr. Stacey Gonzales: I am really tired today. Welcome to the Build and Public Podcast.

[00:00:12] I feel like at this point, after eight episodes, that I should have greater clarity.

[00:00:26] the direction I should go with this podcast, and instead today I feel less clarity, less enthusiasm, more confusion, and more overwhelm than I've had in some time. Not just about the podcast, but about all of it. I woke up today really tired, [00:01:00] very low energy, and I'm still working really hard on my ideal day because I have this vision that if I put the right parts and pieces together for my ideal, Every day will be ideal, and ultimately that will lead to an ideal life.

[00:01:32] And so today it's a Monday, and every Monday my business partner and I have a Monday meeting, and so we have three. Parts of the business that were standing up and today we spent the majority of our time on Soul Growth, [00:02:00] which is a audience building business play. At this point, our strategy is to build an audience, and when you first start building a brand and an audience,

[00:02:19] It's a lot of work and it's getting that clarity on the direction to head, and so we landed on a Sunday series called Soul Growth Sundays, which will be a workshop type event every Sunday. and we're gonna launch this starting in three weeks from now in in mid-April. And there's so much to do [00:03:00] around it and it's a little overwhelming.

[00:03:02] And I was already really tired today and had meetings back to back all day. And so as I'm reflecting. today's progress. I'm not feeling great about things. Um, I'm not feeling very productive and because we don't have a system in place yet around contact creation and the types of content that we wanna create, because we don't know who.

[00:03:43] Our audience is yet exactly. It's been just feeling a little overwhelming today, and so

[00:03:59] I'm [00:04:00] just being kind and gracious to myself and allowing myself to be real with this today. And. trusting that as we gain more clarity on what exactly we do, who we serve, how we serve that audience, um, I have to remember, we just, we just started this and it's okay that we don't have it all figured out in.

[00:04:38] Six weeks, right? Uh, so today's a day where I'm recording this podcast in my dark living room. I was cranky to my husband tonight. My daughter went back to college in Texas, and I am [00:05:00] doing the best I can today and this moment of me sharing. The non enthusiastic version of myself, I suppose, is the best that I've got for today.

[00:05:16] And so that is what I'm sharing and trusting that not every day will feel this hard and this messy, and even if they do, it's okay. And so that's the best I have for today.