Spiritual Physics Build in Public Daily 14

Spiritual Physics Build in Public Daily 14


[00:00:00] For today's Build and Public podcast, I'm gonna take two maybe opposing directions and see where they may converge by the end of this podcast. So we'll see. The first thing I'm gonna start with is just a little daily update. So Tim Gonzales, my partner in life is a physics teacher, a high school physics. [00:00:27] and he is one of the smartest men I know. Analytical, mathematical. When you think physics teacher and you have an image in your head, that is certainly who I am married to a hundred percent in some ways, shapes and informs. And what makes that so fascinating is that I started my career as an English. And so when you think English teacher, you probably have an image, [00:01:00] and if you've heard my podcast with me dressing as a tree in class, that certainly is true as well. [00:01:06] The thing that we have in common is that we are both amazing teachers and we are both very, very deep thinkers, um, in different ways, but in important. that transfer into the hearts and minds of young adults. And so what is so beautiful about Tim Gonzalez's ability to dig in deep is he has depth of understanding that is a lot of it locked and stored inside of his brain. [00:01:41] Obviously he teaches that every day to students. But in our world, what's been great is he's been on spring break this week. and not only do we have this, um, very intellectual relationship where we're always studying something, [00:02:00] and we also have our own very unique and different, um, spiritual, uh, interests. [00:02:10] but very different. Where my spirituality at this point in my life is very much into the deep research around, um, Tibetan Buddhism and different types of spiritual connections surfacing for myself, um, especially through the use of my meditation practices. And Tim's is very much through a Christian lens, um, and, and through a biblical scholar lens. [00:02:42] And so this week he has been studying deeply, uh, the book of Genesis and in particular deconstructing it and teaching himself Hebrew and studying it from a Hebrew perspective and going back into a bunch of. [00:03:00] Uh, Jewish Scholars works and Hebrew Scholars and taking notes. He's got notebooks and notes, notebooks of notes, and in fact, he's out in the living room right now watching a History Channel show on the universe. [00:03:17] And then I come in and I pause him and I say, oh my gosh, you're never gonna believe what. My, um, I have a number seven 17 that has always been important to me. And Renee, my co-founder, has a number one 11. And so she sh shared me her TikTok and she had 111 followers and 17 717 views on her TikTok channel. [00:03:48] And I, and I walked in and I'm like, oh my gosh, look what the universe is sending my way. And you may think. that these two diametrically opposing ideas [00:04:00] or philosophies may be so far apart that they could cause us to be disconnected. But actually what's the beauty of this is it's causing us to connect deeper, which is a really beautiful thing. [00:04:13] And so as I am beginning to really embrace this build in public, I am watching. My soul journey, my soul growth journey, and his soul growth journey in very different ways begin to grow. On another note, I feel like in the past week, just this week, I really stretched myself. I had some difficult conversations that pushed me. [00:04:44] I'm watching opportunities open up, and I've got some ideas for some workshops that I'm gonna be launching. I'm creating more content regularly. I'm taking this podcast, I'm putting into a chat, G p t, I'm turning [00:05:00] it into content. I'm creating content. Um, on Twitter. I made a Twitter thread. Yesterday I'm tweeting a lot more, so I'm really kind of immersing myself into that space and somebody who helps, um, pre idea, early idea, startup founders, um, with a, um, a company that's like a creative studio reached out to me and I'm having a meeting with her on Friday. [00:05:30] So I just keep putting myself out there, creating this content, trusting the process. and allowing it to unfold. It's definitely a different lifestyle that I'm used to and I'm learning to really embrace it, provide the structure I need for myself and my day-to-day, but I'm growing. I can feel my confidence growing. [00:05:59] I can [00:06:00] feel my clarity growing. I can feel my. Energy and focus, being able to, um, point me in the direction I need to be in flow state more often, more, um, continually for longer periods of time. And so for all of those reasons, I am so thankful for anyone who is along listening on this journey with me and little by little, this build and public. [00:06:34] will continue to grow. Thanks for listening.

[00:00:00] For today's Build and Public podcast, I'm gonna take two maybe opposing directions and see where they may converge by the end of this podcast. So we'll see. The first thing I'm gonna start with is just a little daily update. So Tim Gonzales, my partner in life is a physics teacher, a high school physics.

[00:00:27] and he is one of the smartest men I know. Analytical, mathematical. When you think physics teacher and you have an image in your head, that is certainly who I am married to a hundred percent in some ways, shapes and informs. And what makes that so fascinating is that I started my career as an English. And so when you think English teacher, you probably have an image, [00:01:00] and if you've heard my podcast with me dressing as a tree in class, that certainly is true as well.

[00:01:06] The thing that we have in common is that we are both amazing teachers and we are both very, very deep thinkers, um, in different ways, but in important. that transfer into the hearts and minds of young adults. And so what is so beautiful about Tim Gonzalez's ability to dig in deep is he has depth of understanding that is a lot of it locked and stored inside of his brain.

[00:01:41] Obviously he teaches that every day to students. But in our world, what's been great is he's been on spring break this week. and not only do we have this, um, very intellectual relationship where we're always studying something, [00:02:00] and we also have our own very unique and different, um, spiritual, uh, interests.

[00:02:10] but very different. Where my spirituality at this point in my life is very much into the deep research around, um, Tibetan Buddhism and different types of spiritual connections surfacing for myself, um, especially through the use of my meditation practices. And Tim's is very much through a Christian lens, um, and, and through a biblical scholar lens.

[00:02:42] And so this week he has been studying deeply, uh, the book of Genesis and in particular deconstructing it and teaching himself Hebrew and studying it from a Hebrew perspective and going back into a bunch of. [00:03:00] Uh, Jewish Scholars works and Hebrew Scholars and taking notes. He's got notebooks and notes, notebooks of notes, and in fact, he's out in the living room right now watching a History Channel show on the universe.

[00:03:17] And then I come in and I pause him and I say, oh my gosh, you're never gonna believe what. My, um, I have a number seven 17 that has always been important to me. And Renee, my co-founder, has a number one 11. And so she sh shared me her TikTok and she had 111 followers and 17 717 views on her TikTok channel.

[00:03:48] And I, and I walked in and I'm like, oh my gosh, look what the universe is sending my way. And you may think. that these two diametrically opposing ideas [00:04:00] or philosophies may be so far apart that they could cause us to be disconnected. But actually what's the beauty of this is it's causing us to connect deeper, which is a really beautiful thing.

[00:04:13] And so as I am beginning to really embrace this build in public, I am watching. My soul journey, my soul growth journey, and his soul growth journey in very different ways begin to grow. On another note, I feel like in the past week, just this week, I really stretched myself. I had some difficult conversations that pushed me.

[00:04:44] I'm watching opportunities open up, and I've got some ideas for some workshops that I'm gonna be launching. I'm creating more content regularly. I'm taking this podcast, I'm putting into a chat, G p t, I'm turning [00:05:00] it into content. I'm creating content. Um, on Twitter. I made a Twitter thread. Yesterday I'm tweeting a lot more, so I'm really kind of immersing myself into that space and somebody who helps, um, pre idea, early idea, startup founders, um, with a, um, a company that's like a creative studio reached out to me and I'm having a meeting with her on Friday.

[00:05:30] So I just keep putting myself out there, creating this content, trusting the process. and allowing it to unfold. It's definitely a different lifestyle that I'm used to and I'm learning to really embrace it, provide the structure I need for myself and my day-to-day, but I'm growing. I can feel my confidence growing.

[00:05:59] I can [00:06:00] feel my clarity growing. I can feel my. Energy and focus, being able to, um, point me in the direction I need to be in flow state more often, more, um, continually for longer periods of time. And so for all of those reasons, I am so thankful for anyone who is along listening on this journey with me and little by little, this build and public.

[00:06:34] will continue to grow. Thanks for listening.