Measuring Metrics Take Two - Build in Public Daily 3

Measuring Metrics Take Two - Build in Public Daily 3


[00:00:00] Dr. Stacey Gonzales: This is what happens when you try to do your Zoom at 9:43 PM and you're 48 years old, and I get up usually at like three, four o'clock. [00:00:08] Okay, here we go. So my hi for today. Um, my hi is I attended this amazing podcast event and actually Jethro, who is the producer of the show, was there as well, and it was for contact creators. But the thing that really stuck out to me about that was how having a podcast is really, um, about clarifying who you. [00:00:40] Clarifying who you are. Um, and then even like this, right? Consistently showing up allows a podcast to become more than a podcast. It becomes a marketing tool, a lead generation machine, a, um, opportunity to really craft any sort of outreach or sales, [00:01:00] sales, um, pitch. I don't want the word pitch, but like sales kind of outreach, networking that you're doing. [00:01:05] And so there was just some really good. In there, um, in particular how to think about, um, using podcasts as a creator to build your brand awareness by going onto other people's podcasts, um, along with building your own. And so I think that that kind of just illuminated for me. Um, and then the way to reach out, to get onto people's podcasts that you admire and respect. [00:01:31] I went over a bunch of tools, um, around that, and I just thought, , you know, it was really helpful and gave me ideas. Nothing that I really am ready to necessarily implement yet, but certainly that kind of, I tucked away in the back of my mind. My low today is I, um, I woke up, I, I slept in a little bit, woke up at six, and I just had this heavy. [00:01:54] Feeling in my chest during, during my morning meditation this morning, um, I could feel [00:02:00] like this, this pressure kind of in my, in my chest. Um, and then I felt it a few times today, once when I was talking to my son. at dinner, and I don't, I don't like, I don't know where it's, why or where it's coming from, and I just kind of noticed it, and, and nothing was wrong. [00:02:17] I felt like everything was emotionally energy good today. So, um, just, just notice, notice that I hope I have, uh, tomorrow. Just really cool, Renee. Um, my co-founder and I are meeting with a woman named Laura Hollow. Laura Holloway, um, is a female entrepreneur who so cool. Um, Renee met because she was wearing our soul growth, um, swag hat, and she was downtown. [00:02:48] We live in Chicago and she was down in the city. and some guy said her soul growth, I don't know what that is. And she's like, well, or I've never heard of it. And she's like, of course not. It's a brand new company that we're starting and he is like, tell me about it. She shared [00:03:00] a little bit, right? We're here to, um, support and empower women, create experiences and safe spaces for them to, um, dig into their authentic. [00:03:10] Um, and reconnect with themselves. And so, um, he said, oh, it sounds like something that my daughter has done. You should connect with her. Her name is Laura Halloway and she has a place called Soul Chicago of course. And so we've met with her once already. She has about eight nonprofit wellness centers on the West coast in LA and around there, um, she opened up a juice bar in Chicago, which is where we're actually meeting her at her juice bar tomorrow. [00:03:37] And then, um, she, um, does event retreats. Um, but, you know, very niche boutique retreats. They cost about 40 grand a person, um, for, for a very like, um, influential high, high net worth wealth individuals. And, um, and then she does [00:04:00] all this volunteer work, um, on the south side of Chicago. So just a really cool person who has, um, branding. [00:04:07] Um, social media audience experiences. And so looking forward to meeting with her tomorrow to really start to hone out the, uh strategy around building soul growth as a brand and category. Thinking about maybe a newsletter, what might that look like? Um, what type of content creation strategy do we wanna use, to really start thinking about building an audience and then allowing that audience to kind of connect back with us and share what, their insights are. [00:04:42] Um, lesson learned. Hmm. My lesson learned today, is actually a really cool one. I was really thoughtful this morning. I had an important call at nine and um, this was a call that could lead to [00:05:00] a consulting contract. and I've been crafting my story for that call and my journey, and I wanted it to be succinct and, um, I wanted to have the call go well and smooth and get the hope I wanted, which was to land a in-person meeting with this individual. [00:05:19] And so I got up this morning. I did my, you know, I spent my time, I kept my phone. Interesting. I kept my phone on on d n d, um, do not disturb. And I did not wanna check any emails, texts. I did not wanna communicate with anybody, um, until I had my first call with this, this guy I felt like protecting and saving all of my energy, um, was important. [00:05:44] And so that was really cool, um, because I walked to the park at this favorite park called Potawatomi Park by my house. And so I walked over there and I allowed that space to be the space where I'd have this call. And the call went great and I landed the [00:06:00] meeting. So, um, my lesson learned is protect my morning time, protect my energy in the morning, and, um, go to the places and spaces where I feel [00:06:13] aligned, empowered and touched in tune, um, if I can, and, um, have my calls or conversations from there. So that was really cool metrics. I actually have like day three real metrics, which is super cool. So I just did 3 simple metrics, um, that I can track every day. So Twitter, I have 2,877 Follow. And on LinkedIn I have 15,267 followers. [00:06:44] And then there's this other metric when you go to tech there that tells you how many profile views. So I have 1002 profile views. So not sure what those, um, metrics will continue to evolve into. Um, but I think [00:07:00] just looking at the metrics is a really great practice. , I'm still doing my one hour meditation in the morning, and I did do that this morning as well. [00:07:09] So thank you. And day three in the books.

[00:00:00] Dr. Stacey Gonzales: This is what happens when you try to do your Zoom at 9:43 PM and you're 48 years old, and I get up usually at like three, four o'clock.

[00:00:08] Okay, here we go. So my hi for today. Um, my hi is I attended this amazing podcast event and actually Jethro, who is the producer of the show, was there as well, and it was for contact creators. But the thing that really stuck out to me about that was how having a podcast is really, um, about clarifying who you.

[00:00:40] Clarifying who you are. Um, and then even like this, right? Consistently showing up allows a podcast to become more than a podcast. It becomes a marketing tool, a lead generation machine, a, um, opportunity to really craft any sort of outreach or sales, [00:01:00] sales, um, pitch. I don't want the word pitch, but like sales kind of outreach, networking that you're doing.

[00:01:05] And so there was just some really good. In there, um, in particular how to think about, um, using podcasts as a creator to build your brand awareness by going onto other people's podcasts, um, along with building your own. And so I think that that kind of just illuminated for me. Um, and then the way to reach out, to get onto people's podcasts that you admire and respect.

[00:01:31] I went over a bunch of tools, um, around that, and I just thought, , you know, it was really helpful and gave me ideas. Nothing that I really am ready to necessarily implement yet, but certainly that kind of, I tucked away in the back of my mind. My low today is I, um, I woke up, I, I slept in a little bit, woke up at six, and I just had this heavy.

[00:01:54] Feeling in my chest during, during my morning meditation this morning, um, I could feel [00:02:00] like this, this pressure kind of in my, in my chest. Um, and then I felt it a few times today, once when I was talking to my son. at dinner, and I don't, I don't like, I don't know where it's, why or where it's coming from, and I just kind of noticed it, and, and nothing was wrong.

[00:02:17] I felt like everything was emotionally energy good today. So, um, just, just notice, notice that I hope I have, uh, tomorrow. Just really cool, Renee. Um, my co-founder and I are meeting with a woman named Laura Hollow. Laura Holloway, um, is a female entrepreneur who so cool. Um, Renee met because she was wearing our soul growth, um, swag hat, and she was downtown.

[00:02:48] We live in Chicago and she was down in the city. and some guy said her soul growth, I don't know what that is. And she's like, well, or I've never heard of it. And she's like, of course not. It's a brand new company that we're starting and he is like, tell me about it. She shared [00:03:00] a little bit, right? We're here to, um, support and empower women, create experiences and safe spaces for them to, um, dig into their authentic.

[00:03:10] Um, and reconnect with themselves. And so, um, he said, oh, it sounds like something that my daughter has done. You should connect with her. Her name is Laura Halloway and she has a place called Soul Chicago of course. And so we've met with her once already. She has about eight nonprofit wellness centers on the West coast in LA and around there, um, she opened up a juice bar in Chicago, which is where we're actually meeting her at her juice bar tomorrow.

[00:03:37] And then, um, she, um, does event retreats. Um, but, you know, very niche boutique retreats. They cost about 40 grand a person, um, for, for a very like, um, influential high, high net worth wealth individuals. And, um, and then she does [00:04:00] all this volunteer work, um, on the south side of Chicago. So just a really cool person who has, um, branding.

[00:04:07] Um, social media audience experiences. And so looking forward to meeting with her tomorrow to really start to hone out the, uh strategy around building soul growth as a brand and category. Thinking about maybe a newsletter, what might that look like? Um, what type of content creation strategy do we wanna use, to really start thinking about building an audience and then allowing that audience to kind of connect back with us and share what, their insights are.

[00:04:42] Um, lesson learned. Hmm. My lesson learned today, is actually a really cool one. I was really thoughtful this morning. I had an important call at nine and um, this was a call that could lead to [00:05:00] a consulting contract. and I've been crafting my story for that call and my journey, and I wanted it to be succinct and, um, I wanted to have the call go well and smooth and get the hope I wanted, which was to land a in-person meeting with this individual.

[00:05:19] And so I got up this morning. I did my, you know, I spent my time, I kept my phone. Interesting. I kept my phone on on d n d, um, do not disturb. And I did not wanna check any emails, texts. I did not wanna communicate with anybody, um, until I had my first call with this, this guy I felt like protecting and saving all of my energy, um, was important.

[00:05:44] And so that was really cool, um, because I walked to the park at this favorite park called Potawatomi Park by my house. And so I walked over there and I allowed that space to be the space where I'd have this call. And the call went great and I landed the [00:06:00] meeting. So, um, my lesson learned is protect my morning time, protect my energy in the morning, and, um, go to the places and spaces where I feel

[00:06:13] aligned, empowered and touched in tune, um, if I can, and, um, have my calls or conversations from there. So that was really cool metrics. I actually have like day three real metrics, which is super cool. So I just did 3 simple metrics, um, that I can track every day. So Twitter, I have 2,877 Follow. And on LinkedIn I have 15,267 followers.

[00:06:44] And then there's this other metric when you go to tech there that tells you how many profile views. So I have 1002 profile views. So not sure what those, um, metrics will continue to evolve into. Um, but I think [00:07:00] just looking at the metrics is a really great practice. , I'm still doing my one hour meditation in the morning, and I did do that this morning as well.

[00:07:09] So thank you. And day three in the books.