Lots to Learn Build in Public Daily 19

Lots to Learn Build in Public Daily 19


Hello, my friends. Welcome to the Building Public Podcast. I'm Stacy Gonzalez, your host and co-founder of Soul Growth, a boutique and unique lifestyle brand creating soulful experiences for women who desire to live the life that they love and deserve. And so today's update is gonna be pretty. because I'm tired. And it's a Friday, and it's Easter weekend, and it was a really busy day today and very emotionally charged. Um, a lot of conversations that did not go great for me today and, and some that did go great. Um, but certainly I had a whopper of a conversation. Um, and in yesterday's podcast I shared the email about the women that I had invited to help me build out the digital platform. And on our call today to do introductions, um, as I started to open discussion around the value. around what they were hoping for and what would they want to get out of this experience of volunteering to help build this. It, um, was, became very apparent to me that one of the women in particular, um, felt that I was not clear in what I was asking her to do. and that I was coming across as directive potentially, and it was a really difficult, I could tell as she was kind of very graciously and professionally explaining to me my lack of clear communication that I. listened and thanked her. And then we had a call, we had a call after after that. And a couple things about, about that is it really helped me realize, like as I've been reflecting on it today, what do I need to do? Well, I think I need to write a, kind of like a report, a narrative. Um, when I was. Building the education team. I had a committee, one of my, um, committees in the district. And so I created an entire booklet, um, of information about what that, that would look like, um, and how we would meet and connect and gather and all kind of like the rules and, and regulations. and I think that's too much. But I do think I need something documented. And so I need to start creating some documentation and I'm gonna need some space and some head space to do that. And so I've gotta really look at my calendar and think about how I want to, um, start that process so that way Renee and I have information. Um, and we have, we have an ability to connect with others without us being there. And then maybe making like a little video or something, right? So there's a video if you wanna watch it, and here's a, here's a handbook. Um, and so all that to say it was a really, it was a tough. , I had a lot of anxiety today. I felt like I took a lot of big risks with people today in conversations and some felt like I stumbled and I failed and I, um, but I got back up and I went over to Renee's and I felt really badly because she. Was really feeling bad about her father's death and, and grieving. She was just really grieving. Um, but I was glad that I got to go over there and be there for her. And so this founder's journey is unlike anything I've ever experienced before. It is stretching me in such new ways and. parts of me that are becoming more creative, more open, more thoughtful. And then there's these other parts of me that are like, how is this all gonna work out and where are the pieces gonna come together? And um, and I have this plan. Are, can we really make, can we really get to what we need to get to? So anyways, all that to say, I'm really thankful for this time in this space to, um, build in public with you. So thanks for being on journey with me and really looking forward to, um, keeping this building public journey going.

Hello, my friends. Welcome to the Building Public Podcast. I'm Stacy Gonzalez, your host and co-founder of Soul Growth, a boutique and unique lifestyle brand creating soulful experiences for women who desire to live the life that they love and deserve. And so today's update is gonna be pretty. because I'm tired.

And it's a Friday, and it's Easter weekend, and it was a really busy day today and very emotionally charged. Um, a lot of conversations that did not go great for me today and, and some that did go great. Um, but certainly I had a whopper of a conversation. Um, and in yesterday's podcast I shared the email about the women that I had invited to help me build out the digital platform.

And on our call today to do introductions, um, as I started to open discussion around the value. around what they were hoping for and what would they want to get out of this experience of volunteering to help build this. It, um, was, became very apparent to me that one of the women in particular, um, felt that I was not clear in what I was asking her to do.

and that I was coming across as directive potentially, and

it was a really difficult, I could tell as she was kind of very graciously and professionally explaining to me my lack of clear communication that I. listened and thanked her. And then we had a call, we had a call after after that. And a couple things about, about that is it really helped me realize, like as I've been reflecting on it today, what do I need to do?

Well, I think I need to write a, kind of like a report, a narrative. Um, when I was. Building the education team. I had a committee, one of my, um, committees in the district. And so I created an entire booklet, um, of information about what that, that would look like, um, and how we would meet and connect and gather and all kind of like the rules and, and regulations.

and I think that's too much. But I do think I need something documented. And so I need to start creating some documentation and I'm gonna need some space and some head space to do that. And so I've gotta really look at my calendar and think about how I want to, um, start that process so that way Renee and I have information.

Um, and we have, we have an ability to connect with others without us being there. And then maybe making like a little video or something, right? So there's a video if you wanna watch it, and here's a, here's a handbook. Um, and so all that to say it was a really, it was a tough. , I had a lot of anxiety today.

I felt like I took a lot of big risks with people today in conversations and some felt like I stumbled and I failed and I, um, but I got back up and I went over to Renee's and I felt really badly because she. Was really feeling bad about her father's death and, and grieving. She was just really grieving.

Um, but I was glad that I got to go over there and be there for her. And so this founder's journey is unlike anything I've ever experienced before. It is stretching me in such new ways and. parts of me that are becoming more creative, more open, more thoughtful. And then there's these other parts of me that are like, how is this all gonna work out and where are the pieces gonna come together?

And um, and I have this plan. Are, can we really make, can we really get to what we need to get to? So anyways, all that to say, I'm really thankful for this time in this space to, um, build in public with you. So thanks for being on journey with me and really looking forward to, um, keeping this building public journey going.