From Beginning to End Build in Public Daily 15

From Beginning to End Build in Public Daily 15


For today's build and public update, I'm gonna talk about where I started on Monday morning and where I ended on Friday afternoon, and the journey of learning that occurred to me this week and what I built this. this week. I built my own inner confidence. I built Inner Resolve. I built stronger connections to my past and how they influence and impact my world every moment and even today in this moment. And so I'm just gonna juxtapose. The first conversation I had at Monday and who I was, and the last conversation I had just now, and who I was to demonstrate this inner growth. So on Monday, I had a conversation with a woman from my OnDeck community, and I had this idea of doing some leadership workshops in there and all. , I was kind of visualizing this, but I had this nervous, anxious energy around talking to her and I was really psyching myself out about it and just kind of doing my inner work around how do I channel that energy in a, that, um, allows the right words to come out with her. And I could tell after that call on Monday. that I was awkward and areas of insecurity were popping their head. But the beauty of it was I could see them and hear them on the call and notice them and recognize them and accept them and allow them to be what they, what they were, what they are. And at that time, I didn't need to do anything with those facts. I didn't need to feel guilty or ashamed or. Uncertain. I just, I was able to get off the call and think, wow, I made a really not, I made a really big deal about this, but there was a lot of, um, thoughtfulness I wanted to put into this call. And what I saw in that call on Monday was kind of these aspects of me that were uncertain, unsure. and go deep in myself throughout the rest of the week to, to wonder why that is and why I'm doubting and second guessing myself instead of showing up fully me. Then, um, I had, I'll, I'll, I'll mention a second, conversa a second thing. In between these two bookend conversations last night, um, a community that I have been a part of for over a year and a. ended and these two co-founders who started this community were really authentic, genuine sales leaders from this Thursday night sales community, um, Scott and Amy. And when I first came into the community, I didn't know anything and I was a little bit cock. and the way the community is set up, there's hundreds of people on a zoom. Everybody's muted and you can ask a question and come off mute. And so I was asking a question cause I was looking for a sales role, so I was asking a question, something about sales, and the gentleman, Scott, who's one of the community leaders he is. a pretty, like, I guess I would describe him as a no nonsense type of a guy. He's definitely one of those guys who has graduated from the school of hard knocks and he has D put in the work to, um, crush. through limiting beliefs and other people's perspectives and come out like, this is who I am. You either like it or you don't. I've got the, I've got the receipts to back up who I am, so f you if you don't wanna be on my train. Kind of a, kind of a personality, but with such a genuine heart. And so when I came in, I came in, um, asking a question, being very loud, being very, , um, maybe a little bit operating for my ego. And he really shut me down in that instance and kind of came back at me and snapped at me a little bit and was like, don't interrupt me. Let me finish, or I'll put you back on mute. Said something kind of gruff. And last night as I was communicating and sharing all that, that both of them had meant to me and how much I've grown over the last year as a result of being in that community. , I was able to articulate beautifully in that space what I had learned and how thankful I was that he did come at me that way because it really caused me to look inside myself and find these areas where I was egotistical and I was coming in, um, with preconceived ideas of who people were and how things would be. And I'm not like that. and that's a result of immersing myself in spaces and places and looking at everyone as my teacher, I can learn something from everyone that I encounter. And so my bookend, so I had this conversation just got off off of it about an hour ago with a woman who represents a venture studio and they really. Our Purpose driven. Purpose Built, built, and they look for humans who have interesting backgrounds, experiences coupled with pre idea, um, revenue gener, tech, tech revenue generating, um, ideas to build, to build with, and. Got on that call, I knew who she was. Um, we had engaged via Twitter and I looked, I did all my research on who she was and what she had done and built. She's built and scaled and sold five different companies, and I just knew who I was in that conversation and I was so confident and. on what to say, how much to share, when to stop talking, when to listen, when to interrupt, and ask questions. What things would be important, and it gave me a renewed energy and focus in two ways. One, and that being me and being myself fully is the way to go and to grow and to trust that I have fully everything inside of. That I will know what to say, when to say it, how to say it, and in what spaces and places it will be respected, honored, and received. And knowing that deeply how I feel right now. I did not feel that on Monday in my first conversation, and so my inner growth this week is palpable and I have the evidence inside to prove it, and I am so. to take what I've been building, what I've been learning over the entire course of my lifetime, and now start to see it come into reality, um, in new ways. And so thank you for being on this build in public journey with me. It is something that I'm really excited and thankful, um, that I have this space to share.

For today's build and public update, I'm gonna talk about where I started on Monday morning and where I ended on Friday afternoon, and the journey of learning that occurred to me this week and what I built this.

this week. I built my own inner confidence. I built Inner Resolve. I built stronger connections to my past and how they influence and impact my world every moment and even today in this moment. And so I'm just gonna juxtapose. The first conversation I had at Monday and who I was, and the last conversation I had just now, and who I was to demonstrate this inner growth.

So on Monday, I had a conversation with a woman from my OnDeck community, and I had this idea of doing some leadership workshops in there and all. , I was kind of visualizing this, but I had this nervous, anxious energy around talking to her and I was really psyching myself out about it and just kind of doing my inner work around how do I channel that energy in a, that, um, allows the right words to come out with her.

And I could tell after that call on Monday. that I was awkward and areas of insecurity were popping their head. But the beauty of it was I could see them and hear them on the call and notice them and recognize them and accept them and allow them to be what they, what they were, what they are. And at that time, I didn't need to do anything with those facts.

I didn't need to feel guilty or ashamed or. Uncertain. I just, I was able to get off the call and think, wow, I made a really not, I made a really big deal about this, but there was a lot of, um, thoughtfulness I wanted to put into this call. And what I saw in that call on Monday was kind of these aspects of me that were uncertain, unsure.

and go deep in myself throughout the rest of the week to, to wonder why that is and why I'm doubting and second guessing myself instead of showing up fully me. Then, um, I had, I'll, I'll, I'll mention a second, conversa a second thing. In between these two bookend conversations last night, um, a community that I have been a part of for over a year and a.

ended and these two co-founders who started this community were really authentic, genuine sales leaders from this Thursday night sales community, um, Scott and Amy. And when I first came into the community, I didn't know anything and I was a little bit cock. and the way the community is set up, there's hundreds of people on a zoom.

Everybody's muted and you can ask a question and come off mute. And so I was asking a question cause I was looking for a sales role, so I was asking a question, something about sales, and the gentleman, Scott, who's one of the community leaders he is.

a pretty, like, I guess I would describe him as a no nonsense type of a guy. He's definitely one of those guys who has graduated from the school of hard knocks and he has D put in the work to, um, crush. through limiting beliefs and other people's perspectives and come out like, this is who I am. You either like it or you don't.

I've got the, I've got the receipts to back up who I am, so f you if you don't wanna be on my train. Kind of a, kind of a personality, but with such a genuine heart. And so when I came in, I came in, um, asking a question, being very loud, being very, , um, maybe a little bit operating for my ego. And he really shut me down in that instance and kind of came back at me and snapped at me a little bit and was like, don't interrupt me.

Let me finish, or I'll put you back on mute. Said something kind of gruff. And last night as I was communicating and sharing all that, that both of them had meant to me and how much I've grown over the last year as a result of being in that community. , I was able to articulate beautifully in that space what I had learned and how thankful I was that he did come at me that way because it really caused me to look inside myself and find these areas where I was egotistical and I was coming in, um, with preconceived ideas of who people were and how things would be.

And I'm not like that. and that's a result of immersing myself in spaces and places and looking at everyone as my teacher, I can learn something from everyone that I encounter. And so my bookend, so I had this conversation just got off off of it about an hour ago with a woman who represents a venture studio and they really.

Our Purpose driven. Purpose Built, built, and they look for humans who have interesting backgrounds, experiences coupled with pre idea, um, revenue gener, tech, tech revenue generating, um, ideas to build, to build with, and. Got on that call, I knew who she was. Um, we had engaged via Twitter and I looked, I did all my research on who she was and what she had done and built.

She's built and scaled and sold five different companies, and I just knew who I was in that conversation and I was so confident and. on what to say, how much to share, when to stop talking, when to listen, when to interrupt, and ask questions. What things would be important, and it gave me a renewed energy and focus in two ways.

One, and that being me and being myself fully is the way to go and to grow and to trust that I have fully everything inside of. That I will know what to say, when to say it, how to say it, and in what spaces and places it will be respected, honored, and received. And knowing that deeply how I feel right now.

I did not feel that on Monday in my first conversation, and so my inner growth this week is palpable and I have the evidence inside to prove it, and I am so. to take what I've been building, what I've been learning over the entire course of my lifetime, and now start to see it come into reality, um, in new ways.

And so thank you for being on this build in public journey with me. It is something that I'm really excited and thankful, um, that I have this space to share.