Creativity Build in Public Daily 23

Creativity Build in Public Daily 23


Welcome to today's Build and Public podcast. I'm Stacy Gonzalez, founder of Soul Growth, A community for heart led soulful women in business who want to do business differently by bringing all of them to work with themselves every day. And so as I'm building this company, my co-founder and I today on Mondays, we work. Uh, we live close enough and so she comes over to my, uh, house and we were working in the office today and I'm building out some technical, uh, requirements for the, uh, website and some Zoom live workshops that we're gonna be hosting to really bring women together. Um, we're calling it soul Growth. And as I'm trying to get this technology to work, I wanted to create a way for women to register and to have a model where they could pay what they wanted for the, um, opportunity to connect. But I did want to offer some skin in the game for a couple reasons. Number one, the tech stack that we're paying. if minimally, um, we just get enough donations to help us pay for that, that would be great. As broke bootstrapping founders and Renee was working on some email copy for, um, some email campaigns that we're working on while she was writing. I was working on these technical aspects and it was really getting quite frustrating at some points. , I could not create this series. The payment portal wasn't working. The donations weren't allowing, um, the donations to come up on the site. And all in all, um, it just was not functioning the way I had hoped it would, would function. And so after like the second or third time, Renee looked at me and she said, why don't you just go for a walk? And I thought That's a great. . So I took the dog out for a little walk and just re-centered myself. And that is the thing about this soul growth journey. And what is, is the great thing about having a, a partner and also the difficult thing. You, you see yourself, right? You see the frustration that you're facing and the other person, the other person hears it and, you know, working closely together on something. Has nothing yet, um, per se. And, and really trying to build something up digitally is quite the challenge. Uh, but what was interesting is that, uh, we got through that, um, she left probably about, you know, two o'clock today and then all of a sudden inspiration came and I was able to pull some things together, um, relative to a website that we've been working on really quickly and easily, and. things ki the, the creative pieces, the Canva pieces, which usually I get a little, uh, str. I struggle with that. At times, the design aspects kind of just started to flow, and so today was a really productive day. Um, I've been, I've been really kind of playing around with my morning time, giving myself permission to. really wake up and, and have kind of the practices I want without pressure in my day. And so that's been, um, amazing as well. This morning I just felt like I woke up at four before my alarm even went off, which is always my goal. The hope is that I, that I wake up by four. Um, I had a, I had a phone conversation with a woman that was gonna help do some volun volunteer. Bros. We just had a great soulful conversation about personal and professional and, and mixing the two of those and what that means and looks like for us. And so, all in all, great day. I'm really tired and, um, gonna be going to bed early tonight, but really glad that, uh, things are starting to come together and excited about the Soul Girl Sundays as we launch. If you're new to this podcast, I just wanna thank you for. and listening to my journey, I'm still working through what this podcast actually is, is looking and feeling like. Um, it's really still my experimental sandbox, my reflection place at the end of every day. And, uh, allowing me to have the space to learn, grow, reflect, and um, really be proud of the progress. Um, and, and. Uh, that I'm on. Thanks.

Welcome to today's Build and Public podcast. I'm Stacy Gonzalez, founder of Soul Growth, A community for heart led soulful women in business who want to do business differently by bringing all of them to work with themselves every day. And so as I'm building this company, my co-founder and I today on Mondays, we work.

Uh, we live close enough and so she comes over to my, uh, house and we were working in the office today and I'm building out some technical, uh, requirements for the, uh, website and some Zoom live workshops that we're gonna be hosting to really bring women together. Um, we're calling it soul Growth. And as I'm trying to get this technology to work, I wanted to create a way for women to register and to have a model where they could pay what they wanted for the, um, opportunity to connect.

But I did want to offer some skin in the game for a couple reasons. Number one, the tech stack that we're paying. if minimally, um, we just get enough donations to help us pay for that, that would be great. As broke bootstrapping founders and Renee was working on some email copy for, um, some email campaigns that we're working on while she was writing.

I was working on these technical aspects and it was really getting quite frustrating at some points. , I could not create this series. The payment portal wasn't working. The donations weren't allowing, um, the donations to come up on the site. And all in all, um, it just was not functioning the way I had hoped it would, would function.

And so after like the second or third time, Renee looked at me and she said, why don't you just go for a walk? And I thought That's a great. . So I took the dog out for a little walk and just re-centered myself. And that is the thing about this soul growth journey. And what is, is the great thing about having a, a partner and also the difficult thing.

You, you see yourself, right? You see the frustration that you're facing and the other person, the other person hears it and, you know, working closely together on something. Has nothing yet, um, per se. And, and really trying to build something up digitally is quite the challenge. Uh, but what was interesting is that, uh, we got through that, um, she left probably about, you know, two o'clock today and then all of a sudden inspiration came and I was able to pull some things together, um, relative to a website that we've been working on really quickly and easily, and.

things ki the, the creative pieces, the Canva pieces, which usually I get a little, uh, str. I struggle with that. At times, the design aspects kind of just started to flow, and so today was a really productive day. Um, I've been, I've been really kind of playing around with my morning time, giving myself permission to.

really wake up and, and have kind of the practices I want without pressure in my day. And so that's been, um, amazing as well. This morning I just felt like I woke up at four before my alarm even went off, which is always my goal. The hope is that I, that I wake up by four. Um, I had a, I had a phone conversation with a woman that was gonna help do some volun volunteer.

Bros. We just had a great soulful conversation about personal and professional and, and mixing the two of those and what that means and looks like for us. And so, all in all, great day. I'm really tired and, um, gonna be going to bed early tonight, but really glad that, uh, things are starting to come together and excited about the Soul Girl Sundays as we launch.

If you're new to this podcast, I just wanna thank you for. and listening to my journey, I'm still working through what this podcast actually is, is looking and feeling like. Um, it's really still my experimental sandbox, my reflection place at the end of every day. And, uh, allowing me to have the space to learn, grow, reflect, and um, really be proud of the progress.

Um, and, and. Uh, that I'm on. Thanks.