Blessed in the City Build in Public 04

Blessed in the City Build in Public 04


[00:00:00] Dr. Stacey Gonzales: So today was one of those days. I don't even know if it's one of those days. It's actually a day like I've never experienced before. And because of that, this is very humbling to. Publicly. [00:00:33] So I'm just gonna tell the story to the best of my ability of what happened today. [00:00:48] Renee and I had a meeting with this woman named Laura Hollow. who owns a shop in [00:01:00] downtown Chicago, in the city called Soul Chicago. And the way we met her was in a divine alignment. [00:01:15] And so, um, how it happened was one day, about a month ago, , Renee was wearing her sole growth hat. Cause we have swag like the sweatshirt I'm wearing, and she went into this restaurant. Bar in the city and met this man who said, soul growth. What's that? I've never heard of that. And she said, of course you haven't. [00:01:40] It's a new company that I'm building and it's to empower women and create safe spaces where they can connect and heal and be seen and heard and understood and supported and cared for and loved and be vulnerable. Help him. And he said, [00:02:00] oh, well, do you know my daughter? Holloway and she said no. She said, well, he said, well, you need to meet her. [00:02:08] She owns a place called Soul Chicago. It's a protein, a little like a protein bar, juice bar, protein bar, um, and next to this health club in the city. And so Renee connects with her on. Instagram and they end up meeting, Renee goes down to this place called Soul Chicago. While she's there, all these other people walk into this space and they just make these instant connections. [00:02:42] And Renee says, I'd love for you to meet my business partner. And so I went and met Laura at Soul Chicago about two weeks ago and we wanted to make another appointment for her to like help us workshop out. She has multiple successful [00:03:00] businesses, um, and runs various events in the transformation empowerment space. [00:03:13] And so Chicago, while it's a. Physical location is about creating space for people to connect and get to know each other and kind of build this soul space, right? She calls it her soul family. And so today while we were there, these two women walked in, one of which was her former roommate three years ago when the pandemic hit. [00:03:51] And this woman was, um, there with her, her friend. So this woman that used to live with Laura [00:04:00]Holloway, named Adriana, this other woman named Nicole, who lived, um, who was her best friend. . And so when they walked in the door, Laura knew who they were. She got up, hugged them, and they were like, oh, hey. And like we just strike, struck, striked up a conversation, started to begin a conversation with them, with Renee and I, cuz Laura was busy, like helping customers and getting smoothies. [00:04:26] And as we were connecting really genuinely and authentically with these two women, all of these signs for me that I was right where I needed to be kept popping up for me. Such as, I would say something flippantly, for example, um, I was making some reference about being a school administrator and like people don't understand [00:05:00] how taxing and challenging it is running schools and district [00:05:04] and the safety and security of all students and the level of, um, difficulty with social media. And you're just hoping, and I make a comment and I say, and you're just hoping CBS news doesn't show up and the front of your building. That's the level of crisis every day. And the one woman, Adriana looks at me and she's like, I'm a news anchor for CBS news. [00:05:30] I'm like, of course you are. And so I've had this knowing inside of me that my calling is stepping into me. [00:05:51] And I've been afraid of that because the level of courage. [00:06:00] that it's taking me to speak from a place of truth when it comes to other people [00:06:15] has been an area that I have struggled with because in the past I feel like I have this gift. Of insight and intuition and a deep sense of spiritual connection with most, if not all people, [00:06:40] but I've given away the gift or not been not treated, the gift I have to connect and speak truth, life, love into others' lives. in ways in which they can hear it and receive it, and I've wasted it maybe, or I've, there's, [00:07:00] I think there's, um, a saying around like, um, a ring and a pig snout or, um, like, don't put your, like, uh, there's some sort of a reference. [00:07:14] I can't, like, I don't have the image of it, but like giving, you have this beautiful gift and you're giving it to somebody who just, they don't need it. They can't see it. It's not the time for them. And so I spent, I think the first 48 years of my life with these gifts I have for people that they weren't ready for. [00:07:35] And I didn't know who was ready or who's not. Like I just didn't have that sense of intuition or, or Right. And so what started happening today in this five hour conversation with these, with Renee and I and these three other women? Was that we had this magical space and place where I [00:08:00] was being challenged inside to share deep things that I'm like, I don't know if these women can receive this. [00:08:08] I don't know if they're ready to hear this. I don't know how to say this to them. And, and it wasn't about what I was saying. It was about this sense and this sense in my heart and my heart pounding and being like, no, Stacey, it's safe, and you can share that and you can tell them whatever it was through a couple of different things through the conversation and I was saying to them like, I, I feel like I have something to share, but I'm a little nervous or whatever. [00:08:36] And Laura said to me, well, one way that you. work on that is by saying, may I share something with you or would it be right? Would it be all right if I share how I'm feeling, or you know, would you like to hear? She's like, if you're not invited, cause I, I've just been waiting for people to ask me versus me asking if I can share with them. [00:08:59] [00:09:00] And it just lifted this space for me where I thought, okay, I can do that. I can, you know, then it's on them. They can say no. They can say yes, and then it is all I need to do after I have this, this, this feeling, this sense on the inside that there's something here for them. All I need to do is offer it. [00:09:25] Ask, ask permission. Do they want this? And then if they say no, then I move on. And if they say yes, then I, then I let go and let it flow. because I know it is coming from such a pure place of genuine wanting to give them a gift. And there's a scripture that says, your gifts make room for you and put you before great men. [00:09:53] And I can even see just from this conversation today [00:10:00] how not only is this [00:10:05] encouraging my own sense of being a great human, but seeing how other people are being drawn to me, these great, amazing people who really see me and want to support, validate, help, whatever. So it was just a real outside of like, Like the thing I said at the beginning, like the CBS News, there were just a bunch of little things like that that nobody but me and the person who's saying it would know, like my inner world of how crazy ironic that is, that you're saying this thing and I just have these tangible outcomes of something that you're, you're talking about. [00:10:48] And so I feel like it was a breakthrough day and. The open, the channel is open. The uh, I'm ready. I'm stepping [00:11:00] into it. I'm open to it, and so I think that's all I need to share for today.

[00:00:00] Dr. Stacey Gonzales: So today was one of those days. I don't even know if it's one of those days. It's actually a day like I've never experienced before. And because of that, this is very humbling to. Publicly.

[00:00:33] So I'm just gonna tell the story to the best of my ability of what happened today.

[00:00:48] Renee and I had a meeting with this woman named Laura Hollow. who owns a shop in [00:01:00] downtown Chicago, in the city called Soul Chicago. And the way we met her was in a divine alignment.

[00:01:15] And so, um, how it happened was one day, about a month ago, , Renee was wearing her sole growth hat. Cause we have swag like the sweatshirt I'm wearing, and she went into this restaurant. Bar in the city and met this man who said, soul growth. What's that? I've never heard of that. And she said, of course you haven't.

[00:01:40] It's a new company that I'm building and it's to empower women and create safe spaces where they can connect and heal and be seen and heard and understood and supported and cared for and loved and be vulnerable. Help him. And he said, [00:02:00] oh, well, do you know my daughter? Holloway and she said no. She said, well, he said, well, you need to meet her.

[00:02:08] She owns a place called Soul Chicago. It's a protein, a little like a protein bar, juice bar, protein bar, um, and next to this health club in the city. And so Renee connects with her on. Instagram and they end up meeting, Renee goes down to this place called Soul Chicago. While she's there, all these other people walk into this space and they just make these instant connections.

[00:02:42] And Renee says, I'd love for you to meet my business partner. And so I went and met Laura at Soul Chicago about two weeks ago and we wanted to make another appointment for her to like help us workshop out. She has multiple successful [00:03:00] businesses, um, and runs various events in the transformation empowerment space.

[00:03:13] And so Chicago, while it's a. Physical location is about creating space for people to connect and get to know each other and kind of build this soul space, right? She calls it her soul family. And so today while we were there, these two women walked in, one of which was her former roommate three years ago when the pandemic hit.

[00:03:51] And this woman was, um, there with her, her friend. So this woman that used to live with Laura [00:04:00]Holloway, named Adriana, this other woman named Nicole, who lived, um, who was her best friend. . And so when they walked in the door, Laura knew who they were. She got up, hugged them, and they were like, oh, hey. And like we just strike, struck, striked up a conversation, started to begin a conversation with them, with Renee and I, cuz Laura was busy, like helping customers and getting smoothies.

[00:04:26] And as we were connecting really genuinely and authentically with these two women, all of these signs for me that I was right where I needed to be kept popping up for me. Such as, I would say something flippantly, for example, um, I was making some reference about being a school administrator and like people don't understand [00:05:00] how taxing and challenging it is running schools and district

[00:05:04] and the safety and security of all students and the level of, um, difficulty with social media. And you're just hoping, and I make a comment and I say, and you're just hoping CBS news doesn't show up and the front of your building. That's the level of crisis every day. And the one woman, Adriana looks at me and she's like, I'm a news anchor for CBS news.

[00:05:30] I'm like, of course you are. And so I've had this knowing inside of me that my calling is stepping into me.

[00:05:51] And I've been afraid of that because the level of courage. [00:06:00] that it's taking me to speak from a place of truth when it comes to other people

[00:06:15] has been an area that I have struggled with because in the past I feel like I have this gift. Of insight and intuition and a deep sense of spiritual connection with most, if not all people,

[00:06:40] but I've given away the gift or not been not treated, the gift I have to connect and speak truth, life, love into others' lives. in ways in which they can hear it and receive it, and I've wasted it maybe, or I've, there's, [00:07:00] I think there's, um, a saying around like, um, a ring and a pig snout or, um, like, don't put your, like, uh, there's some sort of a reference.

[00:07:14] I can't, like, I don't have the image of it, but like giving, you have this beautiful gift and you're giving it to somebody who just, they don't need it. They can't see it. It's not the time for them. And so I spent, I think the first 48 years of my life with these gifts I have for people that they weren't ready for.

[00:07:35] And I didn't know who was ready or who's not. Like I just didn't have that sense of intuition or, or Right. And so what started happening today in this five hour conversation with these, with Renee and I and these three other women? Was that we had this magical space and place where I [00:08:00] was being challenged inside to share deep things that I'm like, I don't know if these women can receive this.

[00:08:08] I don't know if they're ready to hear this. I don't know how to say this to them. And, and it wasn't about what I was saying. It was about this sense and this sense in my heart and my heart pounding and being like, no, Stacey, it's safe, and you can share that and you can tell them whatever it was through a couple of different things through the conversation and I was saying to them like, I, I feel like I have something to share, but I'm a little nervous or whatever.

[00:08:36] And Laura said to me, well, one way that you. work on that is by saying, may I share something with you or would it be right? Would it be all right if I share how I'm feeling, or you know, would you like to hear? She's like, if you're not invited, cause I, I've just been waiting for people to ask me versus me asking if I can share with them.

[00:08:59] [00:09:00] And it just lifted this space for me where I thought, okay, I can do that. I can, you know, then it's on them. They can say no. They can say yes, and then it is all I need to do after I have this, this, this feeling, this sense on the inside that there's something here for them. All I need to do is offer it.

[00:09:25] Ask, ask permission. Do they want this? And then if they say no, then I move on. And if they say yes, then I, then I let go and let it flow. because I know it is coming from such a pure place of genuine wanting to give them a gift. And there's a scripture that says, your gifts make room for you and put you before great men.

[00:09:53] And I can even see just from this conversation today [00:10:00] how not only is this

[00:10:05] encouraging my own sense of being a great human, but seeing how other people are being drawn to me, these great, amazing people who really see me and want to support, validate, help, whatever. So it was just a real outside of like, Like the thing I said at the beginning, like the CBS News, there were just a bunch of little things like that that nobody but me and the person who's saying it would know, like my inner world of how crazy ironic that is, that you're saying this thing and I just have these tangible outcomes of something that you're, you're talking about.

[00:10:48] And so I feel like it was a breakthrough day and. The open, the channel is open. The uh, I'm ready. I'm stepping [00:11:00] into it. I'm open to it, and so I think that's all I need to share for today.